SILVER SCALES (0.1 g - 15 kg) High Resolution Table Top Scales

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Genius has various options for the Gem & Jewellery Industries – Carat Balances, Gold Balances & Silver Scales. Models include High Precision Balances incorporating Electro Magnetic Force Compensation Technology for Diamond, Precious Stones & Gold & also economy models based on Loadcell technology for less precision weighing in case of semi precious stones and silver weighing.

Incorporates High Quality Load Cells, Inbuilt Battery Charger, Multiple Weighing Units Gram & Carat, High Bright Green Display, Battery Backup (Optional), Additional Display( Optional)

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Models GT - 6001 GT- 6k1 GT -10001 GT -10005 GT -15001 GT- 20001
Capacity 6kg 6kg 10kg 15kg 15kg 20 kg
Readability 0.1g 1g 0.1g 0.5g 0.1g 0.1g
Repeatability (+/-) 0.1g 1g 0.1g 0.5g 0.1g 0.1g
Linearity (+/-) 0.2 g 2g 0.2g 1.0 g 0.2g 0.2g
Pan Size 185 x 225 185 x 225 185 x 225 185 x 225 185 x 225 185 x 225